Monday, December 21, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
302B Great North Rd
Traditionally it’s taken a frantic blast of late night shopping. Late night Christmas mall shopping is the worst: rushed, stressed, and congested traffic. I’m not coping well - flustered, sweaty, hungry, shop assistants are asking me if I need help – which I do, but clearly not the type of help they can give me.
Spread the Christmas Love.
I don’t want you to experience what I experienced... So we’re going to make your Christmas Shopping even easier by keeping the store open till 9pm tonight, and make it even cooler by giving away some gear. TONIGHT ONLY - come in to the showroom after 7pm and the first three customers who ask “CAN I HAVE SACK?” will get a SANTA SACK of all sorts of goodies for your troubles.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Christmas Debauchery
The Christmas Party was highly anticipated this year, with the largest attendance ever recorded – a testament to our rapid growth this year. And it didn’t disappoint. It was a night of drama, competition, revelation and romance. But first, a recap of the amazing race challenge. Turns out my predictions were spot on.
Team A: 2nd
Joe, Andy, Rob, Andrea.
Early predictions of underhand tactics proved correct when the opening task of putting together a puzzle resulted in Joe and Andy ambushing Team B and destroying their almost completed puzzle. While they performed several tasks with aplomb and admirably attended every checkpoint on time, they just weren’t good enough in the end.
Team B: 3rd=
Jay, Hayden, Jared, Matt.
Exceeded expectations by even making it out of the bar and ticking a few tasks off the list. Unfortunately that only lasted about 20 minutes before they were back at the bar – where they set about working their way through the shots menu – missing every checkpoint along the way. Only got kicked out of one bar, which is a sensible effort all things considered.
Team C: 1st
Mel, Sarah, Francesca, Phil.
We don’t really know how they did it, but they did. The power puff girls dominated from start to finish displaying enthusiasm, determination and organization. Not exactly a crowd favorite, but congratulations are in order. Seeing Phil kiss his medal all night made us sick.
After that we went back to work for a few drinks, before heading out to Monsoon Poon for one of the most delicious meals we’ve ever had. Thanks Monsoon Poon – we endorse what you do. A night on the tiles followed at Casette9 and later Honey Bar. We lost a few along the way, and Saturday morning work sucked, but we got it done.
Highlights of the night:

- Jared spewing
- Hayden in a skimpy little white dress
- Jared spewing again
Friday, December 11, 2009
Christmas Party Predictions

In 2007 we went to the Mexican café and got drunk and then did some Karaoke, which was a blast. Last year we got drunk and then went to Spookers, which again was a blast.
So this year we’re doing an Amazing Race type deal where we cavort around the CBD looking for clues and stuff like that. Which we will be doing drunk. There are three teams, and the razzing has already begun. A healthy rivalry is developing, so I thought I’d take a closer look at the teams and their credentials.
Captain: Jay
Strengths: Underdogs for obvious reasons; their understated preparation means they’re a team not to be ignored, partly because there are only two other teams.
Weakness: A penchant for getting hammered drunk could see this team spending a large portion of this competition up a tree with a 12 box each playing ‘possum’. A realistic outcome.
Media Tag: Party boys with no fear and nothing to lose, except their police diversions.
Prediction: Unlikely victors, they’re quick on their feet and are unlikely to be phased by pressure or time restrictions. 3rd
Captain: Joe
Strengths: Several ‘Captain of Industry’ types; there’s certainly a competitive streak in Team B.
Weaknesses: Arrogance, in which they possess an abundant amount. Andy’s reluctance to break a sweat, resulting in muscle loss. And the big question; can Andrea step out of big bro Robs shadow and make a contribution.
Media Tag: Pompous men unafraid of using underhand tactics. They talk a lot but it remains to be seen if it’s all bullshit.
Prediction: The tactical nous of Andy, the silent leadership style of Joe and the can-do attitude of Rob should see them competing for a top three spot. 2nd
Captain: Mel
Strengths: With a particularly female presence, this team undoubtedly has drive and organisation the other teams lack. They’ve copped a lot of pre-party criticism – motivation. In Mel they have a competent leader.
Weaknesses: With Phil being the only guy, there is already a click developing. Key will be gelling and using all the attributes of each member. Three girls and very little physical strength may count against them.
Media Tag: Power Puff Girls. And Phil.
Prediction: They’re not expected to perform, but their heart, determination and systemisation could see them take this out. 1st
Thursday, December 10, 2009
The Rat
- Andy was cutting the calluses off his hands with scissors
- Joe was doodling some diddles on his pad
- I was thinking about how I need to tan my thighs more for summer
- Mel was waiting patiently with her little note pad in hand like a good student of PR
- Rob’s head was buzzing like an ADHD child about to explode after his brainstorming session.
Personally, I had the toes out that day so no way was I putting the flippers down on ground level to get chewed off. This rat was BIG. And it was quick. So we called in the reinforcements. Hayden came in from out back armed with a rubber mallet, a cricket bat, two of those leveler sticks that builders use and promptly proclaimed his intent “Fuck it, I’ll just kill it”...
It was hysteria; everyone had a prod, I ran out in to the warehouse, Joe stepped on it and it ran over his size 13 foot, it climbed up one of the computers, Andy ignored it and went back to work, and we finally settled on the tactic of luring it in to a cardboard box. We felt this would cut down on blood splatter, risk of infection, and utilise Mel’s lightning reflexes.
We won. Joe and Rob directed the Rat in to the box for Mel to trap and after performing a ritualistic celebratory dance; we released the beast on to Great North Rd. With that, the Rat skipped out of the box and sprinted up Great North Rd and in to the Car Dealership next door. We wish him well and thank him for the most entertaining meeting of our lives.
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
Happy Birthday Andrea
Rob’s new initiative on Birthdays is to buy the whole office lunch. It’s really awesome and the last few months have brought with it a glut of Murder Burger and Hell Pizza to celebrate Joes, mine (Jay), and now Andrea’s Birthdays.
So well done Andrea, and thanks for the lovely Murder Burger. Here’s a little picture celebration of Andrea. Andrea loves going to dance parties, drinking at places like Shadows Bar n Grill, and modeling Mr Vintage t-shirts… as you can tell.

Monday, December 07, 2009
naughty jayden
Friday, December 04, 2009
Bloody ol Chappelli
Thursday, December 03, 2009
Hell awaits
It’s a crappy thing to say, I know, but I reckon it’s a pretty fair bet that this kid will spend some time in Hell at some point in her life. Which sucks for her seeing as she'll be joined by this Ed-Hardy wearing twat whilst down there. gutted.
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
New Year's
So here’s what we’re doing for New Years. Totally.
Rob: Attending a Dance Party called ‘Lowlife’ at Matakana, or ‘Mata-Chaos’ as him and his teenage friends call it.
Andy: Unconfirmed. Probably wherever ‘The Feelers’ are playing.
Jay: Somewhere up north, on account of owning half of it.
Joe: Gisborne, and yes. He will be signing autographs and hosting story telling sessions about the ‘big smoke’.
Andrea: Following in the footsteps of big brother Rob. Matakana. Lay off the drugs.
Hayden: Australia. In a ditch using a bottle of vodka for a pillow. Joined by a lady in a cocktail dress of course.
Melanie: Coromandel Gold with her FiancĂ© Steve. She plans on using the time to do some “wedding planning”.
Phil: "Probably just camping somewhere". Hippie.
Francesca: Just to old New York for her.
Mat: Somewhere wearing an Ed Hardy t-shirt and sporting a fake tan.
Sarah: I have no idea what kids like her do these days.
a potatoe shark
“if you type potatoe shark in google, and search images there will be a potatoe with a shark face. God I love the internet”
So I searched ‘potatoe shark’ and sure enough there’s a potaoe with a shark face. It’s really awesome. look.
Nilesh is so funny. We call him Mex (on account of him looking like a Mexican) but he’s actually Indian, as the name Nilesh might suggest. But he does look Mexican. This photo I've added is from this engagement party we went to the other day. There I tasted the most delicious spicy pizza. oh my goodness.
Mex. Actually Indian.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Clever little advertisers
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Toys for Tees.
And the other day we asked our fan base to decide how we could giveaway our My Little Pony toys that we’d been given to use as giveaways. Sonya came up with this great idea of giving them to the Auckland City Mission. She got an onion soup for her troubles.
So. We’re giving the City Mission a whole box of t-shirts, as well as the My Little Pony toys. Which makes us feel good. AND…
It got us thinking. We should do more for the City Mission. They’re good people and they help kids who don’t get awesome toys for Christmas. So. Over the next week we want you guys to come in and give us your old toys. Here’s how it’ll go down.
- Dig up your old toys that are still in that old box.
- Think about how stoked the little kids that get them will be.
- Have one last little emotional playtime with them.
- Come in to the Mr Vintage shop (directions here)
- Give us your toys (not too old just vintage cool).
- Chose whatever t-shirt you want.
- It’s yours for only $20.
- Go home and feel good about yourself.
- Put your new t-shirt on and look good while you’re feeling good.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
creative photos are sweet.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Joe Carrington-Wharehinga
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
All Whites

The All Whites are my heroes.
But yeah, back to the Football. What an occasion, from what I’ve heard, the TV coverage did the crowd little justice – and I was blown away by what I saw on the TV coverage – I think it’ll be one of the deepest regrets of my life that I didn’t go down to Wellington for that one. Thanks Hayden for having your boxing on the same night as the All Whites crucial World Cup Qualifying fixture, you’re a real champ like that.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Old Hammer Hands
Boxing has been the ideal outlet for Hayden. It’s crazy. You meet this little man and you couldn’t meet a nicer dude. He’s relatively polite, well-mannered, friendly, and a bit of a laugh. Give him like 12 beers and he turns in to some kind of aggressive fighting machine. Ask anyone in town.
Oh yeah. we have a little wager on this one. If he loses his fight, Rob will draw a picture of a diddle that Hayden has to kiss. It's all on the line here.
Monday, November 09, 2009
L&P: Tourism Roadshow. Episode 1
Maurice Morrison (Deputy Minister of Tourism to Tourism Paeroa), in all his wisdom, has decided to make Paeroa NZ’s next tourism hot spot. He has blindly selected semi-talented local Colin Brown, to pilot The Tourism Paeroa Roadshow van around New Zealand.
L&P Webisode #1 from Jay Govind on Vimeo.
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
The Bishop and Me.
The Father. Joe our designer is an avid fan of his specs and swagger.
Thinking about what’s been going on in NZ lately, it’s pretty slim pickings really – Brian Tamaki aside – we seem to just be coasting along nicely. I’ll refrain from saying too much about the Bishop/The Father/Jesus or whatever he goes by these days. He’s good for a laugh though, and I’m stoked he’s around to entertain me. Lately when it’s been really cold and I feel like I’m at the end of myself I just look at my ‘covenant ring’ that the Bishop gave me and then I smile again for ages and feel all warm and sunny in my belly. He is such a genuine guy, and I really appreciate that he told me I was allowed to copy his hairstyle. I am working on it at the moment, but I need a bit more length and I’m not sure how he gets that greasy feel to his hair but he was nice enough to recommend this product called ‘Gel for real Men’ that you can obtain from the $2 shop which is such a bargain for what it is.
Friday, October 16, 2009
andy got a dog
You must always blow on the pie.
I was talking to my old mate the other day, who's a cop, and he knows this dude. Reckons he's not even that funny, and his persona is more 'boring and grumpy' than 'funny and hilarious'. Interesting.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
We're making some Changes
Here’s a bunch of things you lot always seem to ask for:
• Can I get this on a v-neck?
• Does this come in a kids tee?
• Do you have this design on a hoodie?
• The item I want is out of stock, when will you get it back?
• Can you call me when this is back in stock?
We realise that some people will be unhappy about this, BUT
• It’ll cut down on out of stocks of other designs
• It’ll allow us to get your orders out faster
• It’ll mean some of your shirts will be limited edition collectors’ items
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Could you be the one?

The ‘little things that need to be done’ may include:
- Folding cotton t-shirts
- Checking inwards goods (counting the t-shirts)
- Talking to Hayden about what he did over the weekend
- In-store customer service
- Online and telephonic customer service
- Running up to the fish n chippery to obtain a package of $5.00 chips
How ‘casual’ is casual?
- Pretty casual really – we don’t have a uniform or anything
- You’ll need to work on Saturdays though
- Pretty much full time leading up to Christmas
- When you’re hung-over we’ll allow you to nip off to grab a blue Powerade from Caltex
Think you’re right for this role? Here’s a checklist for ya:
- When you see a big pile of work to do you just can’t wait to get amongst it
- You notice little things that others might miss
- Working towards a common cause motivates you
- You’re friendly and have strong ‘small talk’ skills e.g. she’s a nice day today eh?
- You’d hand in a wallet that you found at a supermarket
- Even when you’re really super hung-over you still come in to work on time
How to get this job:
- Quickly prepare a CV and cover letter
- Email your curriculum vitae (CV) and cover letter to sales{at}mrvintage.co.nz
- Make sure your references are included in said CV
- Tell us in under 20 words why we should choose you
Wednesday, October 07, 2009
It’s amazing what some people put on their status updates. Anything and everything. Case in point Joe our designer. The guy is full of updates – he’ll update about his lunch, music, bowel movements and mood. He’s easily the most sensitive of all the guys here. But there’s far worse than Joe, check out this update. It’s not the sort of information you need to share on facebook…
Tuesday, October 06, 2009
Fight of the Century
I am looking forward to seeing all of my friends that were certain Monsieur Cameron was going to win though. Their reasons varied. Age, physical shape, recent activity, literacy, height and mountaineering experience were all bandied about pre-fight. Oh well. Earned me a tidy $20 bung off my stupid brother-in-law Jono. Shwing.
Our operations Executive Andy Shackleton actually went to the trouble of driving down to Hamilton to see the 3 minute and 7 second fight. He is pleased to confirm it is not in fact the city of the future, and noted on a more promising note that certain establishments now carry EFTPOS facilities. He arrived back in Auckland unscathed and free of Chlamydia. Great success.
Yeah, no shit.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tsunami fun.
Not that it’s even a natural disaster, but it’s a disaster all the same. I’m thinking the best chance will be if the All Blacks lose the 2011 World Cup final. All hell will break loose. There’ll be rioting and looting. Looting. Oh my goodness. Is there anything better? I’ve thought about this before, and I know straight where I’m heading. Subway. I’ll grab the buckets of meatballs, a sack full of bread rolls, and all the sauces. Great success.
I now see that the Tsunami Warnings have been cancelled. Anti-climax.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
In the mean time, here’s a funny little image to keep you going. Well not that little, but you get the idea.
Monday, September 14, 2009
We got an email from a genuine Australian!
Subject: idiot
From: peter l*&^ard
12. We use Capital letters at the start of sentences as well as for names of countries and people.
9. im. I'm. It's like saying I am. That's a good way to remember it.
4. Say it to their faces Peter, not 'there faces'.
Oh, and Peter. Please don't "make sure that it gets harder" for us. Please. Anything but that.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Cheers dudes.
Anyway, I chucked a few up on the site for you to check out. Get in to it; it’s a good laugh. With regards to how we’ll proceed, we’re pretty happy to put this all behind us to be honest – they’ve taken up enough of our time. But it was fun.
I know they maintain, “there is nothing that could be considered plagiarism on the site”, and I could spend more time making screen shots of the text that I wrote on their website, but there’s no point. I’m done checking their website, I suggest you do the same.
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
We've been robbed. Again. Intellectually this time.
They're like us, but way more shit. They're designs are pretty amateur, but bless them for trying...
It’s pretty annoying that a company would just come along and blatantly steal so much from our website. We worked on that for ages and put a lot of work and time in to designing it, and for someone to come along and rip it off leaves us with a pretty shitty feeling in the stomach.
I’ve included a few screen shots to show you how much they’ve copied us…. But if you really want to help out, just email them (sales@klubretro.com) and tell them how strongly you disapprove of their blatant plagiarism. CC me in (jay (@) mrvintage.co.nz) and the best few emails will win free tees.
Monday, September 07, 2009
Clean Up
I actually didn’t get to end up going because I’m such a workhorse I just couldn’t bear to be away from my work on a Friday afternoon. (aka. My people were slaves for thousands of years, ain't no way you're getting a Brother out there). But the rest of the dudes went down to mission bay to pick up some rubbish and said they felt all warm and fuzzy inside. No homo.
Andy put a little nail on the end of his stick so he didn’t have to bend over to pick stuff up. Apparently he wanted to use as little energy as he could, so his muscles didn’t get smaller.
Check out a few of the snaps Joe took.