Wednesday, April 29, 2009


We’ve been getting amongst the Twitter a lot more here as well, it’s a pretty snazzy little platform, and I’m finding it really useful. I’ve got a personal one too (@JayGovind), so if you want to follow me that’d be a lovely gesture too. It’s definitely a lot more than the “seeing what people are eating for lunch” information that some foolish people think it is. I’m not going to go in to the benefits too much; you’d have me here all day. What I will say is that we’d love to have you following us on Twitter – make sure you say hi, and we’ll talk (well, tweet). We’ll be giving away tees, running competitions, seeking feedback, and we’re happy to hear any ideas you have as well. You’ll also get some sneak previews of designs and even input in to our designs and promotions. It’s like you’re part of the team. So if you haven’t got a Twitter, get amongst it – it’s real easy to set up and it’s a whole bucket load of fun and laughter.

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