Watched some of that Telethon this weekend. Saw that they raised almost $2 million, which is cool, it’s going to a good cause and that’s the main thing. Seems like the young kids really got in to it, and so too did a whole bunch of B-Grade celebrities – just like the old times really. Good shit. Apart from Brooke-Howard Smith, that guy needs to stop yelling so much and chill the hell out. And Toni Marsh (bless her soul) and Hamish McKay aren’t a good team, they were like a couple of virgins bumbling their way about on their honeymoon night – very excited, great enthusiasm, but little end product. Other than that it was a wicked event, and I actually stayed up pretty late watching it. I didn’t get around to building a fort though; I got a dead leg from football and my movement was severely restricted.
Raised a whole bunch of money for Kiwi Kids. Good on ya NZ.
We’re stepping shit up on the facebook fan page now too; we’ve decided to do daily giveaways to our facebook mates, so get amongst that if you haven’t already. I think I’ll probably struggle to come up with lots of little trivia questions by myself, so Andy will prove a helpful ally there. He knows all sorts of crap about everything. He also loves watching documentaries. We may just do it on Twitter also, but I’m not sure the Twitter community would appreciate all the Tweets – they’re more in to networking and ‘Tweet-Ups’, which is cool but it’s just not always for us so much.

Add us on facebook, we're giving away a tee every day.
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