Our mate Jonathan Field is a beautiful man. So beautiful that he’s in the running for Australia’s CLEO Bachelor of the year competition. He’s in the top 50 at the moment, so we’d really appreciate if you went and voted for him. It’d be neat to see a New Zealander win the Australian Bachelor of the Year Award. A genuine Maari no less.

He’s one of the realest dudes we know, Rob used to flat with him, and as Rob puts it “He’s the kind of guy you’d want your sister to marry”, and it’s true. Besides being an all-round GC, he’s a designer – he designed our Longest Drink in Town and Chur Bay tees – AND a model. You may remember him from a few NZ ads, that lotto one where the chick wins and gets all this new stuff, Johnny was the love interest. He’s been on a KFC ad too, I think makes him a B-Grade celebrity.
Vote for him here: http://www.cleo.com.au/bachelor2010-profile-jonathan-field.htm
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